Blame The Sun

Blame The Sun Triptych of C-Prints (ed. of 1) 2014

Blame The Sun
Triptych of C-Prints (ed. of 1)


Blame The Sun is an ongoing art inquiry that speaks to the ephemerality of light, form, and relational circumstance. Objects in motions are witnessed by the mechanical limitations of the working eye, but once captured in a glimpsed transitory state, the pliability of shaped light can mimic physicality and be abstracted into a sculpted physical form. These illusions imply a tactility beyond the realm of scientific plausibility. All that is solid comes and goes, shape-shifts beyond rationale, and frees itself from its assumed form in an eloquent suspension of disbelief. Upon its very inception, Photography has pivoted upon a similar notion of being derived from the real, yet drafted like that of a simple optical illusion.
